
Transforming existing housing with, and for, communities.

About Transforming Homes

The Transforming Homes project involves residents, industry, practitioners, local authorities, community-led organisations, and researchers working together to co-design the transformation of existing homes. Bio-based and non-extractive materials and technologies will be used to reduce energy demand, generate renewable energy, and store energy whilst providing better places to live.

Bristol Cocreation day - Ibi Feher 2 (1)
Credits: Ibi Feher

The challenge

Improving our existing housing stock is a national priority. When delivered well, the transformation of our homes can offer significant benefits. These range from reduced carbon emissions and reduced energy bills to improved health and wellbeing, improved comfort, and a better-quality built environment. Realising these co-benefits will provide a better future for all.

LCBE Project 2 JP (1)
Credits: Jo Patterson (Centre for Low Carbon Built Environment)

What are we doing?

The Transforming Homes team is initially focusing its research on the 1.4 million 1920s to 1940s low-rise council-built housing in the UK. The transformation involves designing, modelling, testing, implementing, and monitoring innovative solutions.

Solutions include:

  • co-design of spaces to create better places for future generations to live. 
  • use of recycled, re-used, and bio-based materials such as timber and hemp to reduce energy demand. 
  • installation of energy efficiency, renewable energy supply, and storage technologies to help create homes that are healthy, comfortable, and fit for future living.
Materials - Francis Moran 1 (1)
Credits: Francis Moran
Swansea Demo Homes - Francesca Jones 1 (2)
Credits: Francesca Jones

Where are we working?

The Transforming Homes consortium is one of four Green Transition Ecosystems (GTEs). GTEs are part of the Future Observatory: Design the Green Transition program, funded by the AHRC and delivered in partnership with the Design Museum, London. These large-scale projects aim to address climate change challenges by translating design research into real-world benefits. 

The Transforming Homes consortium is diverse, located across South Wales, the South-West, and South of the UK. We are working on demonstration homes in Swansea and Bristol.

  • Transforming Homes Team
  • Transforming Homes Demo homes
  • Other Green Transition Ecosystem locations
  • The Design Museum

Learn about the GTEs

United Kingdom map
  • Name: University of Bath
    Location: Bath

  • Name: Cardiff University
    Location: Cardiff

  • Name: University of Exeter
    Location: Exeter

  • Name: University of Bristol
    Location: Bristol

  • Name: ASBP
    Location: London

  • Name: Mikhail Riches
    Location: London

  • Name: Sevenoaks Modular
    Location: Neath

  • Name: Swansea Council
    Location: Swansea

  • Name: WeCanMake
    Location: Bristol

  • Name: Woodknowledge Wales
    Location: Cardiff

  • Name: Design Museum
    Location: London

  • Name: Town Hill, Swansea
    Location: Swansea

  • Name: Knowle West, Bristol
    Location: Bristol

  • Name: Design HOPES
    Location: Strathclyde

  • Name: Public Map Platform
    Location: Isle of Anglesey

  • Name: Future Island-Island
    Location: Rathlin Island

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Project partners

A regional partnership between the GW4 universities of Bath, Cardiff, Bristol, and Exeter has been funded to co-design the transformation of homes with residents, industry, practitioners, local authorities, community-led organisations, and other key stakeholders.

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